to Rescind
the order converting Hagia Sophia to a Mosque

Erdogan, President of the Republic of Turkey signed an order to convert Hagia Sophia, the symbol of Orthodox Christianity, into a Mosque!

Your voice MATTERS

Please help us get 10,000 or more signatures to the leaders of the free world. Your signature will force Turkey to reverse the dangerous and insensitive order to convert the Hagia Sophia Byzantine Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site into a Mosque.

Your voice MATTERS


  • The Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres

  • The Director-General of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay

  • The President of the United States Donald J Trump

  • The President of the European Council Charles Michel

  • The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen

  • The President of the European Parliament David Sassoli

  • All the Presidents or Prime Ministers of the European Union

  • The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau

  • The Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison

  • The Prime Minister of United Kingdom  Boris Johnson


  • His All-Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I

  • His Holiness Pope Francis


With deep regret and sorrow, we heard President Erdogan of Turkey announce,  that the UNESCO World Heritage Site Hagia Sophia one of the greatest symbols of Christianity, is being converted into a Mosque!

Hagia Sophia was a Christian Orthodox Cathedral and Byzantine Monument for almost one thousand years before the Ottoman occupation of Constantinople in 1453 and was decreed a museum by the secular Mustafa Kemal, after the establishment of the Turkish state in 1934.

Millions of people of all religions from around the world have visited this 1483-year-old architectural masterpiece where some of the Byzantine iconographies have been restored and the appreciation of faith has served as a powerful symbol of dialogue.

We denounce this decision by a Turkish court and ratified by the Turkish Assembly and President to convert this property of universal value into a mosque and, thus, desecrate its Christian legacy.

By signing this petition, you agree to return Hagia Sophia to its museum status as supported by all international organizations.

We demand from Turkey to maintain the Christian interior and iconography unchanged otherwise international organizations, states and fora will proceed with legal sanctions against the Turkish government and workers who participate in the cultural destruction.

This policy of religious extremism is dangerous and threatens world peace!


World Hellenic Diaspora

A Project of Hellenic Cultural Center of the Southwest


  • Dan M
    United states


  • Matina Korologos
    United states


  • Tyler devenny
    United states


  • Denny Kougianos
    United states


  • John Fleming
    United states



Your valuable signature will help the political leaders make wise decisions on this topic. Each member of your family must sign seperately

Where we send?
The petition will be sent
to these authorities

Its not enough to sign!
you must share for success...

We will appreciate your support.

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